(Find songs on YouTube in playlist LifeCycle: songs by Liz Campbell

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


This song, written back in 2015, reflects a common human phenomenon, entirely from my own experience: a crisis point in life when circumstances alter dramatically, precipitating changes which feel at once cataclysmic, beyond control, a breakdown of sorts. This 'sturm und drang'  can turn out to be just what's needed, though given the option it's probably the last thing we may choose  at the time, nor wish on anyone else. A treadmill may be familiar and comforting, but it is a treadmill after all... 

Dan Wylie, an avid literary expert on Dante, has a vast, bold collection of art works relating to this theme. They create a perfect landscape to accompany this original song, sung by the dazzling Tshego Makube. 

Scenes from Dante's Inferno



         View these and other art works, and books by Dan Wylie on http://www.netsoka.co.za/Academic%20Publications.html#teams2-58 

Personally, walking in any wilderness is hugely helpful in crisis times, or anytime

Originally conceived over hours, days on scraps of paper, all songs are eventually recorded and assembled using basic technology, piano and guitar.

Liz Campbell is the sole writer and composer of all the published material on this blogsite, unless otherwise stated.

She has further blogsites:
   songs for children http://connectsongdance.blogspot.com/

   aspects of smallholding https://jessam-smallholding.blogspot.com/       

Please subscribe and share, or get in touch with feedback:   liz.jessam@gmail.com

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