(Find songs on YouTube in playlist LifeCycle: songs by Liz Campbell

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Poems: III

Left for dust

                   (on Tess leaving home)


Dust eddies and swirls

          as he comes and you leave.

My receding world

wears a fine winter dust-jacket,

          playing tricks with the angles of slanting sunlight.

Why bother to wipe it away now that you’ve gone?

It’ll only settle again with this restless solstice wind.

The harsh berg breezes

          sweep through my home and

                             release the dancing ghosts.

Either that or sift a gentle grey mantle

          on my emptying nest.

Remember this :  Anniversaries      April 2015


I lurched crazily, drunkenly

          from one anniversary to the next birthday

deranged eyes stretched with

          the madness of grief.


Each occasion offered a million reasons

          to evoke cataclysmic pain

          re-lived,    belly-up,

 a blow all over again in the solar plexus;

          I'll curl up like a child.


Now I sail into them with surprise –

          What- here again?

A place to meet a long lost friend;

A chance to breathe and re-connect:

          A welcome harbour for re-stocking.


As life goes on, more landmarks score the route.

They pepper the map of my life -

           punctuation marks:


Remember this!

Liz Campbell is the sole writer and composer of all the published material on this blogsite, unless otherwise stated.

She has further blogsites:
   songs for children http://connectsongdance.blogspot.com/
   aspects of smallholding https://jessam-smallholding.blogspot.com/

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