(Find songs on YouTube in playlist LifeCycle: songs by Liz Campbell

Thursday, July 23, 2020

We sing!

This song was composed specifically for school celebratory occasions requiring pomp and pageantry. Sung heartily, with harmonies and the addition of any young brass players, it creates a festive, jubilant fanfare, allowing the singers to sparkle. 

The original words by Fred Pratt Green, borrowed from an old methodist hymnbook, have been tweaked and changed to become inclusive; they can, I hope, be sung easily by people of any persuasion, faith, religion, or those who subscribe to none. It feeds no creed; it simply proclaims that everything belongs! The universal 'alleluia' is already there in the very music itself.

The music is composed, played and recorded by Liz Campbell, with Tshego Makube as the main vocalist. Should anyone want to use the song for public occasions, please acknowledge the source of this piece. Should anyone want a simple copy of the music, it can be provided. 


                When in our music God is glorified

               And adoration leaves no room for pride

                It is as though the whole creation cried:

                        Alleluia          alleluia           we sing!

How often making music we have found

A new dimension in the world of sound

As music moves us to a more profound

                        Alleluia          alleluia           we sing!


        So have we all in countless heartfelt song

        In faith and love, through centuries of wrong,

        Sung praises to the truth in ev’ry tongue

                    Alleluia          alleluia           we sing!

Let ev’ry instrument be tuned for praise

Let all rejoice who have a voice to raise

May God give us grace to sing always

                        Alleluia          alleluia           we sing!


        So may our voices rise to God in song

        To whom, in whom, through whom we all belong

        Who was and is the music all along

                Alleluia          alleluia           alleluia           we sing!

Liz Campbell is the sole writer and composer of all the published material on this blogsite, unless otherwise stated.

She has further blogsites:
   songs for children http://connectsongdance.blogspot.com/

   aspects of smallholding https://jessam-smallholding.blogspot.com/       

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely, uplifting hymn - thank you so much, Liz!
